Perform a free Illinois probation search in only moments using the quick, convenient methods laid out in this resource.
Before delving into your search, the first thing to know is the distinction between probation and parole, as they’re often used interchangeably. Probation is an alternative to serving jail time and typically indicates that an individual doesn’t have an extensive criminal history or hasn’t committed a serious crime. Parole, on the other hand, refers to an individual being released from prison early but remaining under community supervision for a set period of time.
Knowing how to search for probation and parole records can simplify the process, and databases often offer this information at no cost. This brief resource walks citizens through the steps to access probation and parole records and addresses how to handle and report violations.
Conduct an Illinois Probation Search
Illinois has 22 judicial circuits and around 70 probation departments that supervise the more than 1 million people under community supervision in the state. Information about sentences and individual probationers is all recorded and maintained by the state and can be accessed with a free probation search in Illinois.
According to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), certain public records held by public agencies may be requested by the general public.1 Based on the 1991 Uniform Conviction Information Act (UCIA), all criminal history information collected and maintained by the state police must be available to the public.
This includes information about criminal history and arrest records so long as it resulted in a conviction. The only exceptions to this are if providing the information is likely to interfere with a pending case or could lead to endangerment of the people listed within the records.
The Illinois State Police Bureau of Identification collects, maintains and provides accurate criminal history information. However, probation records themselves are not deemed public records. While information can suggest that an individual has been sentenced to probation, information about the disposition is likely considered private.
If an individual is on probation, it’s part of their criminal history and accessible via FOIA request. The simplest way is via an FOIA online request form.2
This will require you to enter your first and last name, address, email address, phone type and number and a description of the records you’re requesting. You’ll also be required to answer some questions, such as whether you intend to use the information for commercial purposes, whether you want copies of the records and if you’re a member of a government agency or the press.
It’s also possible to complete a FOIA request by mail or by hand delivery to the following address:
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
300 West Adams Street, Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60606
It can also be faxed to (312)-793-8422 or emailed to
No formal form must be completed, so long as information is provided in writing and clearly describes the documents being requested.
It should include the requester’s name, address, state, city, ZIP code and telephone number. However, the state offers a template Freedom of Information Act Request Form to simplify the process, which can be printed and filled out to submit.3

FOIA requests must be handled promptly, with requestors expecting a response within 10-15 business days in most cases. Lastly, copies may incur some fees depending on the records requested, and it’s possible that requests may be denied if they are deemed confidential.
Run an Illinois Probation Search via County & City Agencies
It’s also possible to contact the clerk of the circuit court overseeing the location in which an individual is serving community supervision to ask questions about a probation search in Illinois.
They can provide access to any information considered an Illinois public record, but certain department information may be withheld. While details about probation iis protected, it may appear in the disposition of closed cases.
The following lists the five most populous counties in Illinois and their respective departments handling criminal FOIA requests, along with relevant addresses and contact details. However, there are several more throughout the state.
While statewide criminal court records are not available online for the general public, it’s possible to seek records through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Cook County Circuit Court Clerk maintains criminal court files at its Criminal Department.
Requested records include judicial orders, where probation sentencing information may be present. However, they have nominal fees associated with them, with a certified criminal disposition costing $6.4
To receive a certified disposition of a criminal case, it’s necessary to provide the defendant’s name, date of birth and arrest date. However, this department can only provide dispositions on Chicago cases.
Cook County Circuit Court Clerk
50 West Washington Street, Suite 1001
Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: (312)-603-4641
Fax: (312)-603-4557
In DuPage County, it’s possible to identify some information about whether an individual has been sentenced to probation. While details aren’t readily available, this can confirm the county in which the probation occurred. To do so, use the 18th Judicial Circuit Court Clerk Search Records Online tool.5

Select between searching by ticket/complaint number, case number or name. A full last name is necessary, but a partial first name may be entered.
Complete the CAPTCHA, then review the results. When an individual is sentenced to probation, reports from their supervising officers may be included. If this does not yield results, consider ordering court documents online from the 18th Judicial Circuit Court Clerk in DuPage County or contacting the department directly.
DuPage County Office of the Circuit Court Clerk
505 North County Farm Road
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: (630)-407-8600
Fax: (630)-407-8575
In Lake County, FOIA requests route through the county’s State’s Attorney Office, which maintains custody of criminal case files.6 The request may come with fees, as only the first 50 pages are free of charge. Afterward, a minimum fee of $0.15 will be applied.
More information about FOIA requests in Lake County, as well as additional instructions on submitting them can be found on the county’s Freedom of Information Act page. Searchers can use the Lake County Public Records Center online to submit a written FOIA request or direct them to:7
Lake County State’s Attorney FOIA Officer
18 North County Street 3rd Floor
Waukegan, IL 60085
Phone: (847)-377-3000

Will County also routes criminal FOIA requests through the county’s State’s Attorney Office, but more specifically through the Civil Division. The State’s Attorney webpage has an embedded form to download or print and fill out, as well as details about the fee schedule.
The request can be done online via email at or in person, by U.S. mail or courier to:
Will County State’s Attorney’s Office, Civil Division
57 North Ottawa Street Suite 501
Joliet, IL 60432
Submit FOIA requests for criminal information to the Kane County State’s Attorney’s office, as this office maintains all files related to criminal legal matters. Costs are nominal, with the first 50 pages provided free and $0.15 per page after that amount. To request records, submit a request to:
Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office FOIA Request
100 South Third Street 4th Floor
Geneva, IL 60134
Phone: (630)-208-5320
Fax: (630)-208-5330
Look Up IL Probationer Violations & Contact Supervising Officers
People you’ve located on a probation search in Illinois have specific terms they must follow as part of their supervision.
Violating probation terms is a serious offense that can result in the violator being sentenced to jail or facing more serious penalties. Often, probation violations are reported for being dangerous to the violator, the general public or the person who decides to report the violation.
If it’s safe to do so, contacting a probationer’s supervising officer to report the violation is strongly encouraged.
If a crime is actively being committed by the probationer, contacting 911 is strongly recommended. If a crime or violation has already occurred and you’d like to report it, you have a few options. The first is contacting the local police department’s nonemergency or crime tip line and discussing your concerns.
You may also attempt to locate the probationer’s supervising officer. However, this will take more effort on your part than other options. Illinois has a database of the numerous probation offices across the state.8 Contacting the locals in the area where the probationer is serving their sentence or where they committed the crime is likely to yield the best results.
The following are offices in the largest metropolitan areas within the state:
Cook County Adult Probation
2650 South California Avenue, Lower Level
Chicago, IL 60608
Phone: (773)-674-3282
DuPage Probation & Court Services
503 North County Farm Road
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: (630)-407-8500
Will County Adult Probation Department
57 North Ottawa Street
Joliet, IL 60432
Phone: (815)-0727-8446
Lake County Adult Probation Services
215 West Water St.
Waukegan, Illinois 60085
Phone: (847)-377-4504
Kane County Central Probation Office
37W777 IL Route 38
St. Charles, IL 60175
Phone: (630)-232-5805
Search for Details About Individuals on Parole in IL
To see who is currently serving on parole in Illinois, the state has an online search tool called Individuals in Custody Search hosted by the state Department of Corrections.9, 10 This statewide tool itself is direct to use but may require you to sift through numerous records to identify the right person.
The tool can search for records based on last name, IDOC number or birth date and will bring up a list of matching or similar results. Clicking on each result will bring up a mugshot (if available), a description of their physical profile, scars, marks and tattoos, sentencing information and other details.

More specific to the search, it will list whether an individual is currently serving on parole and the location of their parole district. It will also allow for concerned individuals to register to be informed of custody changes via VINELink.
People who are on parole were released from their prison sentence early while those on probation have been convicted of a crime. For many members of the general public, these can be points of concern.
The ability to identify those currently out of custody but serving time under community supervision with an Illinois probation search can bring a sense of safety and empowerment to the general public.
1Illinois Office of the Governor. (n.d.). Introduction to Freedom of Information (FOIA). Retrieved April 02, 2024, from <>
2Illinois Department of Insurance. (n.d.). FOIA Request. Retrieved April 02, 2024, from <>
3Office of the Illinois Secretary of State. (2024, January). Freedom of Information Act Request Form. Retrieved April 02, 2024, from <>
4Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois. (2022, January 01). Municipal Division Fee Schedule. Retrieved April 02, 2024, from <>
5DuPage County Recorder. (2024). Search Records Online. Retrieved April 02, 2024, from <>
6Lake County State’s Attorney. (n.d.). Contact State’s Attorney’s Staff. Retrieved April 02, 2024, from <>
7Lake County Sheriff’s Office. (n.d.). Public Records Center. Retrieved April 02, 2024, from <>
8Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts. (n.d.). Contact County Probation Departments. Retrieved April 02, 2024, from <>
9Illinois Department of Corrections. (2024). Individual in Custody Search. Retrieved April 02, 2024, from <>
10Illinois Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Contact Us. Retrieved April 02, 2024, from <>